HOW U.S. Presidential Election 2020 Can Effect INDIA???

In 3rd November 2020 United States Presidential election to be held. The two participants are Donald Trump from Republican Party and Joe Biden from Democratic Party. Joe Biden is a former Vice-President at the time of Barack Obama.
All the countries want a good relation with U.S. But not all time US is a reliable ally. But now a days U.S. is maintaining good relations with Asian Countries like Japan, South Korea, Philippines and many other countries. India's relation with U.S. has became better than before. In recent times U.S. has help India in the global platforms to large extent.With the help of U.S., India becomes member of Multilateral Export Control Regimes (MTCR, Wassenaar Arrangement, Australia Group) and U.S. is still supporting India for admission in the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) but China is opposing India's Membership. 

In 2016 Both the countries signed an agreement Logistic Exchange Memorandum Agreement depends on which both the countries can use each others military bases. Previously both the countries have signed many agreements. U.S. also declared India as a major defense partner. India also supported U.S. in many political ways. As both the countries are democratic peoples opinion is necessary. According to a survey in 2018 by Gallup 75% Americans favors India which is more than china and Israel.

Now come to current times. As election is coming in U.S. both have started their campaign. In the election campaign of Biden he mentioned India lots of time. He Spoke about Kashmir in his website. He said that he is disappointed with CAA and NRC which was implemented in Assam. He also said that he wants India to take necessary steps to restore the rights of Kashmiri people. You can see this in Biden's website. Is it acceptable that an American presidential candidate is commenting on India's internal issues? In Kashmir we all know Pakistani terrorist infiltration happen maximum time. So knowing this problem Joe Biden said to remove all restrictions from Kashmir and let the protesters do their protest.

The Criticism had led to an unusual step that had raised eyebrows in Wahington, When Union External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar is said to have cancelled his scheduled meeting in December 2019 with the influential Congress Committee on Foreign Affairs because it had Indian-American Pramila Jaypal (who is a Democratic Leader) , who had introduced the resolution urging India to lift all restrictions in Jammu & Kashmir. Because of this many democratic parties condemned S Jaishankar.
In a tweet Democratic leader Elizabeth Warren said,"The U.S. and India have an important partnership-but our partnership can only succeed if it is rooted in honest dialogue and shared respect for religious pluralism, democracy and human rights".

Replying to Elizabeth Warren Indian MP Rajeev Chandrasekhar wrote a tweet,

If former U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden becomes President the relation between India and America becomes worse. Either India have to change their policies or India have take tough stand over America which can spoil relation of both the countries.

Please let us know in comments what do you thin about India-U.S relation in coming days.
